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An All-Encompassing Guide to Options: Understanding Options

Options trading provides traders and investors with a versatile tool to hedge risk, generate income, and speculate on market movements. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the world of options, exploring their various types, uses, and strategies to help you harness their full potential.

Introduction Articles

What are Options?
3 year(s) ago
8 minutes Read
Call Options
3 year(s) ago
12 minutes Read
Put Options
3 year(s) ago
12 minutes Read
Strike Price
3 year(s) ago
16 minutes Read
Options Pricing
3 year(s) ago
9 minutes Read
Bid and Ask Price
3 year(s) ago
17 minutes Read
Hedging with Options
3 year(s) ago
13 minutes Read
Covered Calls
3 year(s) ago
5 minutes Read
Protective Put
3 year(s) ago
15 minutes Read
Options Assignment
3 year(s) ago
7 minutes Read

What are Options? 

Options are leveraged financial instruments, known as derivatives. Their prices are derived from the value of an underlying assets such as stocks (shares), currencies, interest rates, commodities and even market indices such as the FTSE 100 or S&P 500. 

Options are contracts that give traders and investors the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price before or on a specified expiration date. Options can be traded like most other asset classes on a regulated exchange like the LSE, CME and ICE, CBOE and SGX.  

Options are powerful tools that can be utilised to enhance and protect an investor’s portfolio. If you understand how to trade the options market you can profit from a rising, falling or stagnating market, unlike long-only positions that can only appreciate in value if the price goes up.  Options are highly flexible and provide opportunities for risk management, income generation, and strategic investment. 

The average investor will simply buy a promising stock and hope to sell it later at a higher price whilst earning dividend income during the holding period. However, stock options trading provides an additional suite of investment tools to let you make better use of your capital whether you are a short, medium or long-term investor.

Types of Options: Calls and Puts

Call Options

A call option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at the strike price on or before the expiration date. Investors typically buy call options when they believe the price of the underlying asset will rise. 

Put Options

A put option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying asset at the strike price on or before the expiration date. Investors typically buy put options when they believe the price of the underlying asset will fall.


How do Options Work?

Options have an expiration date, which means they have a limited lifespan. If the option expires in-the-money (ITM), the holder can exercise the option and buy or sell the underlying asset at the predetermined price. If the option expires out-of-the-money (OTM), the holder will not exercise the option, and it will expire worthless.


Components of an Options Contract

Underlying Asset

The financial instrument that the option is based on, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, or market indices.

Strike Price

The predetermined price at which the option holder can buy or sell the underlying asset.

Expiration Date

The last date when the option can be exercised. After this date, the option becomes worthless.

Option Premium

The cost of purchasing an option, paid by the buyer to the seller.

Option Style

Determines when an option can be exercised. There are two styles: American (exercisable any time before expiration) and European (exercisable only on the expiration date).


How is an Option Priced?

Underlying Asset Price

The price of an option is influenced by the price of the underlying asset. When the price of the underlying asset goes up, the value of a call option (the right to buy) generally increases because there is a greater likelihood of making a profit if you can buy the asset at a lower price than its market value. Conversely, when the price of the underlying asset goes up, the value of a put option (the right to sell) generally decreases because there is a lower chance of making a profit if you can sell the asset at a higher price than its market value. In simpler terms, when the price of the asset rises, call options become more valuable, and put options become less valuable.

Strike Price

The strike price is the predetermined price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold when exercising an option. For call options, a lower strike price means that the option is already closer to being in-the-money, and thus more valuable. On the other hand, for put options, a higher strike price brings the option closer to being in-the-money, making it more valuable.

Time to Expiration

The time remaining until an option’s expiration date affects its value. Options with more time until expiration have a higher likelihood of experiencing price fluctuations, giving the underlying asset more opportunities to move in a favourable direction for the option holder. As a result, options with a longer time to expiration are generally more valuable than those with a shorter time to expiration.


Volatility refers to the degree of price fluctuation in the underlying asset. Higher volatility means there is a greater potential for significant price movements, which increases the probability of the option becoming profitable. Therefore, higher volatility leads to higher option premiums as investors are willing to pay more for the increased chance of substantial gains.


Dividends can have an impact on options pricing, particularly for stocks that pay regular dividends. When a company pays a dividend, the price of the stock is expected to decrease by an amount roughly equal to the dividend payment. This expected decrease in the stock price affects the value of options on that stock. High cash dividends imply lower call premiums and higher put premiums.


Examples and Benefits of Options Trading


To control the same amount of equity, the options investor only needs a fraction of the capital. This ability to leverage is desirable for short-term speculative trading purposes. Options trading is very attractive for the small investor as it gives him/her the opportunity to trade a much larger exposure whilst only outlying a small amount of capital. 


Another useful feature of options trading is the ability to add insurance to any trading plan. In times of market uncertainty, protective put options can be purchased to hedge a long stock position against a drop in the underlying stock price. 

Income generation

Traders can use options to generate income by selling options. One unique characteristic of options contracts is that they provide the opportunity to profit from both upward and downward price movements. This contrasts with traditional stock trading, where profits are typically realized only when the price of the stock increases. With options, traders can generate income regardless of whether the market is bullish, bearish, or even stagnant. 

Volatility trading

Options can be used to profit from predicting an asset will move either up or down without knowing which way the asset will move. This is called buying volatility. Conversely, options can be used to profit from an asset moving sideways. This is called selling volatility. 

Limited risk

One of the advantages options trading has over stock trading is the ability to take a view of the market direction with limited risk, while at the same time having unlimited profit potential. This is because option buyers have the right, not the obligation, to exercise the option for the underlying stock at the exercise price. If the price is not right at the time of expiration, the buyer will forfeit his/her right and simply let the contract expire worthless.


Types of Options Trading Strategies

  • Covered Call – An income-generating strategy where the investor sells call options against a long stock position.
  • Protective Put – A risk-management strategy where the investor buys put options to protect a long stock position from potential declines.
  • Straddle – A volatility-based strategy involving the purchase or sale of both a call and put option with the same strike price and expiration date.


Options Trading VS. Other Trading Methods

Options trading offers several advantages over other trading methods, such as:

Flexibility: Options trading offers traders a high degree of flexibility, as they can choose from a range of strike prices and expiration dates.

Limited risk: Unlike futures trading, options trading offers limited risk to traders.

Higher potential returns: Options trading offers higher potential returns than other trading methods.


Possible Risks of Options Trading

It is important to understand the risks involved before investing. Some of the risks of options trading include:

  1. Time Decay: Options have a limited lifespan and lose value over time.
  2. Volatility: Options prices are highly sensitive to changes in volatility.
  3. Price Swings: Options prices are highly sensitive to changes in the underlying asset’s price.
  4. Implied Volatility: Options prices are highly sensitive to changes in implied volatility.

What are Options FAQs

What are options?

Options are financial contracts that give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price (strike price) within a specific time period (expiration date).

How do options work?

Options work by providing the buyer with the flexibility to take advantage of potential price movements in the underlying asset without actually owning the asset. The buyer pays a premium to the seller for this right.

What is the difference between a call option and a put option?

A call option gives the holder the right to buy the underlying asset at the strike price, while a put option gives the holder the right to sell the underlying asset at the strike price.

What is the underlying asset in options trading?

The underlying asset is the financial instrument (e.g., stocks, bonds, commodities) upon which the value of the option is based.

How can options be used in investing and trading strategies?

Options can be used for various purposes, including speculation, hedging, income generation, and risk management. They offer flexibility and the ability to profit from both rising and falling markets.

What is the significance of the strike price in options?

The strike price is the predetermined price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold. It determines the breakeven point and potential profit or loss for the option holder at expiration.

What is the expiration date of an option?

The expiration date is the date at which the option contract expires. After this date, the option becomes invalid, and the holder loses the right to exercise it.

How is the value of an option determined?

The value of an option is influenced by factors such as the price of the underlying asset, time to expiration, volatility, interest rates, and dividends. It is commonly determined using mathematical models like the Black-Scholes model.

What factors affect the price of an option?

The price of an option is influenced by the underlying asset price, strike price, time to expiration, volatility, interest rates, and dividends. Changes in these factors can impact the option’s value.

Are options considered risky investments?

Options can be considered risky because they are subject to market fluctuations and have a limited lifespan. However, they also offer potential rewards and can be used to manage risk when used strategically.

How can options be used for hedging or risk management?

Options can be used to hedge against potential losses in a portfolio or to manage risk by providing downside protection. They can act as insurance to mitigate potential adverse movements in the market.

Important information: Derivative products are considerably higher risk and more complex than more conventional investments, come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage and are not, therefore, suitable for everyone. Our website offers information about trading in derivative products, but not personal advice. If you’re not sure whether trading in derivative products is right for you, you should contact an independent financial adviser. For more information, please read our Important Derivative Product Trading Notes.

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