Explore Intermediate Options

In this section we begin to look at intermediate options, taking the time to understand what makes them intermediate and how they can benefit you in options trading.

Intermediate Options

Selling Call Options
3 year(s) ago
18 minutes Read
Selling Put Options
3 year(s) ago
19 minutes Read
Bull Call Spread
2 year(s) ago
20 minutes Read
Bear Call Spread
2 year(s) ago
20 minutes Read
Bear Put Spread
2 year(s) ago
15 minutes Read
Bull Put Spread
2 year(s) ago
9 minutes Read
Calendar Spread
3 year(s) ago
14 minutes Read
Long Straddle
3 year(s) ago
6 minutes Read
Short Straddle
3 year(s) ago
16 minutes Read
Long Strangle
3 year(s) ago
6 minutes Read
Short Strangle
3 year(s) ago
11 minutes Read
Buy Iron Condor
2 year(s) ago
18 minutes Read
Sell Iron Condor
2 year(s) ago
6 minutes Read
Options Volatility
3 year(s) ago
5 minutes Read
Options Leverage
3 year(s) ago
12 minutes Read
Options Margin
3 year(s) ago
15 minutes Read

Intermediate Options Trading

Once you have a grasp of the basics then take a look at the next steps in options which will help you understand how strategies along with leverage and volatility can work for you. 

Many clients neglect the effect of volatility and leverage even though they play a big part in options trading.   

Understanding the risks involved before you start trading is very important, as losses in some strategies can be greater than your initial investment. Understanding these concepts can be the difference between profit and loss. 

We demystify some of the strategies and terms to help you harness the power of options

Options Margin
Options margin is an amount of cash (deposit) that an investor must have in place in their account before writing/selling/granting options.
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Options Volatility
volatility measures the risk of an asset and its ability to swing around its mean price. Volatility is a rate at which the price increases or decreases for a given set of times.
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Moving Forwards

Now that we have covered the key elements of intermediate options it’s time to move onwards and jump into the core elements of intermediate options, each article has been carefully designed by our options trading experts to give you a wider understanding of intermediate options, by utilising these core elements you can begin to tailor your outlook on the market and implement strategies that work for you.

Selling Put Options
Put option sellers, also known as writers, sell put options hoping that they become worthless when they expire. As a put seller, you have given someone else the right but not obligation to sell an underlying asset
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Selling Call Options
Call option sellers, also known as writers, sell call options hoping that they become worthless when they expire. As a call seller, you have given someone else the right but not the obligation to buy an underlying asset
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Long Straddle
A long straddle is a strategy in which you buy a call option and a put option, typically at the money, both with the same strike price and expiration. Together, they produce a position that will profit if the stock makes a big move either up or down.
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A man trading in the markets while using his mobile phone with a laptop in front of him, at the same time he is looking out of the window.

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Options and the other financial products that we offer are powerful financial instruments that can help you protect your existing investments as well as earn additional income. Options also offer leverage with a clearly defined risk profile; and the ability to position yourself for specific events and opportunities within an expressed period of time.



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Important information: Derivative products are considerably higher risk and more complex than more conventional investments, come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage and are not, therefore, suitable for everyone. Our website offers information about trading in derivative products, but not personal advice. If you’re not sure whether trading in derivative products is right for you, you should contact an independent financial adviser. For more information, please read our Important Derivative Product Trading Notes.

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