How can options help you generate additional income?
Learn how to generate income with options
Granting or writing call options on your current portfolio’s component stocks is just one way of earning additional income with a limited, clearly defined risk profile.
In addition, if you feel the market or the stocks that you hold will move sideways for a defined period of time, then granting options is a way of earning additional income in sustained periods of low volatility.
Ways to generate income with options
At OptionsDesk we have created a wide array of articles in the Resources Hub that can be used to learn more about Options, how to trade them and how they can be beneficial to you. We strongly recommend checking out our Introduction to Options section if you are just starting out, this will give you an understanding of how options work and what style of Options trading suits you.
Check out some of our featured Income articles below and remember, never hesitate to get in touch with one of our options trading experts.
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